Monday, 23 January 2012

1- सरलतम विधि से अपने नेताओ को चुने ' स्वामी दिव्यास्त्र लीडर कोसेंट्स ' - प्रस्तावना ...Leader has to just say to his Voters that my Leader Quotient is ...70 * Details of Leader Quotient assessment follows


नेतृत्व राष्ट्र का
 Swami Divyastra Leadership Quotient
स्वामी दिव्यास्त्र जनप्रतिनिधि मूल्यांकन

कैसे हो जनता के प्रतिनिधि, कैसा हो उनका व्यक्तित्व कैसे बांधे वो अपने आपको एक अदभुत सीमा रेखा में जिससे वह दे पाए राष्ट्र के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण और उनकी इस गरिमा की महक अनुभव कर पाए समाज के 
हर वर्ग का व्यक्ति.


जो भी लीडर कोसेंट का परिणाम है या लीडर कोसेंट है उसमे पुरानी जीवनशैली को नहीं देखा गया है क्योकि यह जीवनशैली उसी अव्यवस्थित  समाज का हिस्सा  रहा है जिसका प्रभाव प्रत्येक व्यक्ति पर उसी तरह से पड़ता है जिस तरह का जीवन वह समाज के अनुरूप  जीता है . पर अब एक लीडर के रूप मैं व्यक्ति अपने आप को परिवर्तित करना चाहता है , आज से या अपने निर्वाचन के बाद जो भी उसका लीडरशिप कोशेंट है उसके लिए बनायीं गयी निरिक्षण प्रणाली के अंतर्गत वह अपना लीडर कोसेंट स्थिर रखने के लिए कटिबद्ध है . उसका अतीत चाहे कितना भी पापो से भरा या अपराधियो जैसे रहा हो लेकिन अब उसका आपको दिया गया  लीडर कोसेंट ही उसका वर्तमान है और अब वह अपनी समस्त क्षमताओ से इस कोसेंट को  स्थिर रखेगा या इसे दिए गए लीडर अस्सेस्मेंट फॉर्मेट के अनुसार १०० तक या इससे ऊपर ले जाने का भरसक प्रयास करेगा . 

Easiest way to select your leader through Swami Divyastra Leader Quotients , e.g.
P.M. Leader Quotient, M.P. Leader Quotient, M.L.A. Leader Quotient and other Leader Quotients.

What is Leader Quotient ?
*100 given Task Points (which Leader Commits to do)   -  Task Points (which Leader is unable to Commit) = LEADER QUOTIENT (M.P. Leader Quotient, M.L.A. Leader Quotient etc.)

-      This quotient also include a complete psychometric assessment (IQ, Personality Test, Organizational Capacity, Creativity, Emotionality Index, Spiritual Index etc. of the individual) and Brain SPECT for human behaviour report of the individual who wants to become a leader. If these results are satisfactory or above average, this will add to his Leader quotient . These reports will be taken into consideration and act as a tool in assessing Leader Quotient.
-         The value of quotient may be leveled  above 100 if a leader commits for super tasks according to assessment format.
-         These Task Points may very for different kind of leadership status 
                           A monitoring of Leader Quotient may be done every month by the 10  individuals of repute in that area which will have a meeting with the leader every month in the presence of media and if Leader is not able to convinces about the objection raised or commitments not fulfilled, leader should resign from his post .

एक अभिव्यक्ति राष्ट्र धर्मं के प्रति :
  •  मतदान न करना राष्ट्र द्रोह से कम नहीं
  •  मतदान करना और श्रेष्ठंतम व्यक्ति को चुनना यानि की सत्ता मैं आपकी संपूर्ण भागेदारी l
  •  मतदान को शत प्रतिशत करने के लिए संपूर्ण जनता चुनाव आयोग से एक निवेदन करें की वो मतदाता को एक प्रमाणपत्र वोटिंग के समय ही जारी करें जो की  किसी भी परिस्थिति मैं उसके राष्ट्र के प्रति बहुमूल्य योग    का मापदंड माना जाये. चाहे उसकी नौकरी मैं उन्नति का आकलन हो या इंकमटैक्स में छुट या किसी भी  अन्य मामले में बने उसकी राष्ट्र धर्मं के प्रति उसकी मानसकिता का प्रतिबिम्ब l
  • प्रस्तावित लीडरशिप कोशेंट के अनुसार किसी भी मतदाता लीडर को चुनने में नहीं लेगा एक भी क्षण का    समय l
  • यह स्वामी दिव्यास्त्र लीडर कोसेंट् परिवर्त्निये  है जिसके अनुसार लीडर की गिरती हुई या राष्ट्र के प्रति समर्पित  योगदान का आंकलन हर क्षण उपलब्ध रहेगा l
  • इस कोशेंट में लीडर के  भूतकाल के दोष, वर्तमान में उसकी स्तिथि ,भविष्य  में राष्ट्र के प्रति उसके दिए गए वचनबद्धता एवं प्रकृति की उसको दी  हुई क्षमताओ का संपूर्ण वज्ञानिक आंकलन भी सम्मिलित है... शेष
Leader assessment format to determine LEADER QUOTIENT follows :

Swami Divyastra Leadership Quotients  - Format to calculate LQ (Leadership Quotient) is under preparation  which will be published in the Blog within fortnight. Your valuable suggestion are egarly awaited to include in this LQ Tool (Leadership Quotient Tool)

Friday, 6 January 2012

‘Brain SPECT Scan for Human Behaviour’ helps in guiding about Diagnosis and Management of Neuropsychaitratic Disorders, Human Behaviour problems and may even help us in deciding that to whom we should Vote and even it may help in differentiating between a Great Saint …Great Devil or Great Baba ...'Baba - re - Baba'

Part One

Introduction : A scientific answer to ascertain reasons/causes for abnormal human behaviour with comprehensive periodical monitoring of Neuropsychiatric Disorders and to assess   improvement of the same with medication.

It is usually done by follow up scans.
  1. How do you know unless you look the Brain -  Psychiatrists are the only medical specialists who rarely look at the organ they treat. Psychiatrists continue to make diagnoses the same way they did 100 years ago, based on clinical exams and symptom clusters. There is a better way. SPECT imaging is a clinically useful way to look at brain function.
  2. SPECT helps provide answers to mental health problems : Such as Brain Health, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Personality Traits & Disorders Schizophrenia,   Mood Disorder,  Memory Problems, Early degenerative changes of Brain, Dementia, Strokes & Cerebrovascular Disorders, Head Injury, Subtle illnesses which are about to start  quite earlier, Epilepsy, Headache, Children Attitude Problems, ADHD, Slow Learner/Mental Retardation, Autism, Dyslexia, Speech Disorders, toxic exposure, Alcohol, Bhang, Cocain, Organic Substances and Drugs, Past emotional traumas etc.
  3. Tailor treatment to your brain. Imaging plus detailed histories help us better understand your brain, so treatment can be individually tailored, rather than just diagnosing and treating vague diagnostic categories such as depression or ADHD.
  4. Checks Improper Medication to your Brain : More information prevents clinicians from prescribing the wrong treatments, such as unnecessarily stimulating an already overactive brain or calming one that is underactive.
  5. Early detection to prevent Alzheimer’s. SPECT scans can tell up 10 to 20 years before you have symptoms whether or not you are vulnerable. Treatment and prevention strategies work early, not late.
  6. Natural Treatment to your Brain Problems : Guide not only medication interventions, but also natural supplements and other innovative treatments e.g. Yoga, Spiritual & Religious Techniques etc. 
  7. Watch how your treatment works : Follow up scans can help see which treatments are effective and which are not. It is critical to know if your treatment is helping or hurting your brain.
  8. Understand reasons of addiction and its treatment: A SPECT scan can help understand the reasons that underlie addictions and help guide treatment.
  9. Identify brain trauma of Mildest type during childhood & its long term effect. :  A SPECT scan can identify specific areas of the brain hurt by trauma to better target treatment and help deal with insurance, legal and rehabilitation issues.
  10. ADHD types on the basis of Brain SPECT :  ADD, anxiety and depression are not single or simple disorders. One treatment does not fit everyone. 16 types of ADD, 7 types of anxiety and depression and 3 types of violence. Imaging helps you see the underlying brain problems so treatment can be more targeted.
  11. Family Therapy by SPECT Monitoring:  A SPECT scan can help families understand the underlying medical reasons for a problem, which helps decrease shame, self blame and conflict.
  12. Check the health & quality life of your brain. Even if you are not having trouble, SPECT scans can help check the health of your individual brain. Scans can be used as a screening tool to know your vulnerabilities. They can also serve as a baseline if you develop problems in the future.
  13. Followup  Scans  Motivates for compliance :  Pictures are powerful and can help influence a patient’s willingness to accept and adhere to a treatment program.
  14. Save patient from embarrassment and stigma of Psychiatric illness : SPECT scans help patients better understand their problems, decreasing shame, guilt, stigma and self-loathing.
  15. Scans helps judiciary in deciding about compensations related to head trauma, accidents :  may be helpful in a number of legal situations, such as helping judges and juries understand difficult behavior and directing treatment.
  16. Understanding psychosomatic disorder & their management : As 70% patients consulting physicians are actually suffering from  Psychosomatic Disorders e.g. actually patients to be called as Gestropsychiatry Patients , Neuropsychiatry Patients , Cardio psychiatry Patients, Endocrinopsychiatry Patients, which appears a chronic ailment & frustration for the patient himself & treating doctor. Further it consumes lot of energy of the service providers & and deprives from the kind of attention to the patients who are suffering from organic illness.
  17. BRAIN SPECT can also decide that to which leader we should Vote: Can identify genuine persons, leadership qualities, organizational capacities of a person etc.     
  18. The future now. SPECT scans can help you obtain individualized care for your brain. "Brain imaging in clinical practice is the next major advance in psychiatry."

Part Two

WHAT IS Brain SPECT for Human Behaviour:
SPECT is Single Photon Computerized Tomography. It is a technique that utilizes special and advanced medications known as Radiopharmaceuticals that bind to the cells in the brain to provide a three dimensional representation of the blood flow to the different regions of the brain. This technology allows the physician to assess the blood flow patterns of the internal and external structures of the brain, which in turn  is reflective of  activity level of different regions of the brain. This information is an essential tool and aid for  the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of Neuropsychiatric conditions & Human Behaviour.

Why the need to perform  BRAIN SPECT SCANS :
These Scans correlate neurological, psychiatric, and behavioral status, reflective in form of   specific brain SPECT patterns. Information from your scan will help your doctor to understand your unique brain pattern which helps to formulate subsequent treatment modalities.

Some of the most common reasons for performing SPECT are : obtaining baseline physiological data, analyzing the physiology of underlying mood disorders, evaluating uncommon or unresponsive neuropsychiatric conditions, evaluating and subtyping ADD, evaluating violent, aggressive or suicidal behaviors, evaluating substance abuse or toxic exposure, looking for causes of deteriorating mental functioning (after head trauma, stroke or suspected dementia) and performing before and after treatment studies. For example, it is often inquired if SPECT scans will show learning disabilities,the answer is  yes, in general.The scan in these specific cases will show  decreased activity in the left temporal lobe (the specific brain area where learning skills develop).

SPECT studies help the clinician understand more about the specific function of your brain. Each person's brain is unique, which results in unique responses to medication or therapy.
This helps to explain why two people that have depression can both get the same treatment and one get better while the other gets worse.
SPECT in combination with clinical history, personal interview, information from families, checklists, and other neuropsychological tests is a powerful tool in complete evaluation of Neuropsychiatric disorders.

To sum up briefly, Brain spect plays a crucial role in-
1    Evaluating memory loss, suspected dementia, or other cognitive problems
2    Evaluating the effects of recent or past brain trauma (from mild to severe)
3    Evaluating aggressive and/or violent behavior
4   Evaluating the presence of an underlying organic condition in brain (such as brain trauma  or dementia) that contributes to emotional, behavioral, or learning disturbances
5    Evaluating cerebral cardiovascular disease
6    Evaluating treatment resistant or atypical psychiatric conditions
7    Evaluating the specific brain patterns underlying mood disorders, anxiety / depressive disorders,    attention deficit disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, schizophrenia.
When it comes to treating disorders of brain function,  psychiatrists  are dealing with the most complex aspect of the most complicated structure in the universe, but they have no way to visualize the same, so it can be concluded that they  are working in the dark. . The current state of the art method in psychiatric treatment is guessing. These guesses are educated guesses, so they are usually  good, but they are still guesses.

SPECT scans give an accurate picture of brain activity. When combined with the knowledge of what function various areas of the brain serve, this information can lead to a much more accurate diagnosis.

 :- Ref. related clinics 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

a GOD GIVEN MANTRA for u to enjoy a blissful life forever

Dear Brothers & Sisters of the Universe,  

-         Wishing u & ur loved ones ‘A robust health in the year 2012’ encompassing  Physical,    Material, Emotional, Mental, Social, Professional, Romantic & Spiritual spheres
-     Wishing u & ur dear ones 366 days of joy, happiness and peace which ushers in Prosperity & Power.
-     Conveying u a New Year resolution- “Enjoy in GIVING respect, recognition, love, affection & genuine material gains to others (impart them the same with dignity, affection & justice). This is a  GOD GIVEN MANTRA  for u to enjoy a blissful life forever.”  -SSIQ
-     Wishing that, this message is communicated to everyone to follow, to enable us to make this nation the greatest nation of the world in 2012

As Great People make Great Nations.

Happy New Leap. …. Year. Visit our blog

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

पाप सार - 1

पाप सार - 1

 यथोचित  झांक लो अपने जीवन के बहाव को
वो शायद ग्रसित है विभिन्न प्रकार के रोगों से, 
तुम समझाते हो स्वयं को कि यह सब है कदाचित प्रकृति की इच्छा
पर तुम नहीं जानते !
तुमसे जुड़े समस्त रोग है
तुम्हारे शारीरिक, मानसिक, सामाजिक और अध्यात्मिक दुष्कर्मो का परिणाम

पाप ...एक ऐसी संवेदना जो देती है तुम्हे विचलित मन, एक अपराध भाव, अज्ञात भय, मस्तिष्क को कुरेदती  हुई  दुश्चिंताए... तुम्हारे पापकर्म के प्रति प्रकृति कि नकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया कदाचित तुम्हारे मन में यह भाव लाती  है कि तुम्हारे साथ हुई कोई भी दुर्घटना या अनहोनी तुम्हारे किये गए पाप का  ही  परिणाम है  जिसको  भोगोगे न केवल तुम अपितु तुम्हारे प्रियजन  ....पड़ेगा इसका प्रभाव तुम्हारे परिवार के अभिन्न सदस्यों पर, संतानों पर या तुमसे जुड़े किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति पर जिससे तुम करते हो सर्वाधिक प्रेम.
तुम्हारे मन का यही अपराध भाव... पाप भाव बनता है तुम्हारे मस्तिष्क कि पीड़ा और धीमे धीमे तुम्हारे रोगों का कारण .....कदाचित कही क्षण भर में  ही तुम्हारे किये पाप के फलस्वरूप मिल न जाये तुम्हे एक ऐसी  विषम अवस्था जो बना दे तुम्हे शारीरिक, मानसिक, और सामाजिक रूप से एकदम लाचार 
पाप  यानि रोग  अर्थात  जीवित रहते  हुए एक मृत जीवन
 पाप दे  ...शारीरिक  रोग, मनो:  स्थिति  रोग, सामाजिक रोग, कलह रोग, प्राकृतिक  आपदाए रोग , 
दुर्घटना रोग, उत्पीड़न रोग,  दरिद्रता रोग, विद्रोह रोग, वियोग रोग और अनहोनी... विपिदा रोग

                                ' हो पाप रहित, हो रोग मुक्त ' - स्वाद्वी ... भावार्थ भागवत गीता