Solution 1
Homo sapiens* are made where
man is an animal created polygamous by nature and women monogamous. For maintaining
a structured society both of them have to have same nature. Only a stringent law
made quickly and implemented fastly can change the Homo sapiens (who are being converted into Homo rapiens and Homo gang rapiens
by the influence of changing culture) to
Homo familyens, HOW :
- Superstar Heroines, Top Women Models, Top Women to protest daily in some way or the other for making 'a stringent law and its fastest implementation' bill to be passed immediately, as presently conditions are perfect and conducive as Govt. is under tremendous pressure.
- Women of the crème layer of society to emphasise to their spouses that they will not conceive till this mentioned bill is made and passed.
- Further, there is a monitoring of implementation of this law with the help of Media by the Top Women of society, till this law is imbibed or gets into the soul of the developing culture of Homo rapiens and Homo gang rapiens into Homo familyens
Solution 2 & 3 follows....