Seven essayist rules to keep your brain healthiest
till you live
- Be positive, solve your negativity towards anyone or any problem, don't do any work which pinches your conscience. Use word 'Thank you' frequently. Feel Sorry and say Sorry immediately when ever your conscience nips you .
- Take your meals at proper time.
- Take sufficient quantity of vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Omega Fatty acids in your diet or in the form of supplements (walnuts and pumpkin seeds are enough, see our diet chart for brain foods in your facebook account - search option drrk thukral)
- Know about your thyroid status (iodine).
- Earn respect in the society, be identified as a genuine person and grow your wealth & prosperity.
- Have adequate growth hormone in your body (few minutes exercises of your biceps & quadriceps daily)
- Have adequate sleep to develop growth hormone in your body (6 to 8 hours regularly)